Entry 7

In human communication at the workplace, sometimes personal ego aggravates trivial matters onto a heightened level that unnecessarily triggers headaches and heartaches when someone’s pride is bruised. This leads to unwarranted stress. It helps if we step back, look at the big picture and focus on more pertinent matters that urgently need to be addressed. Ignore the irrelevant petty things and just move on...

Entry 6

Priceless moment at the plain of Arafah. When the sun begins to set, millions of moslems seek forgiveness and solace from their Creator. With raised arms and facing towards the Kaabah, tears of repentance flow freely and shamelessly. And yet the Creator allows every single soul to have an intimate moment with Him and listens to every single doa (prayer). Allahuakbar (Allah is Great)...

Entry 5

Human communication at the workplace. An executive learns to become a leader when he has subordinates placed directly under his jurisdiction. However, at the same time he learns to be a follower when he and several others are also subordinates under a higher authority. In short, he has to learn the art and science of manage and being managed.

Entry 1

In Islam, there are many ways to enliven and illuminate your face. You can internalize 3 ways described below:

1. Recite doa by Rasulullah which literally means: 

   Ya Allah sebagaimana indahnya Engkau mencipta manusia, indahkanlah akhlak ku.

2. Perform the sujud in as many prayer moments as possible.

3. Protect your tongue (from talking lies, slandering etc.) 

Entry 2

Prophet Muhammad (Peace Be Upon Him) once said: 

Knowledge belongs exclusively to Allah. He multiplies by 10 fold the beneficial knowledge to the person who communicates it to others.

Entry 3

Doa Wukuf di Arafah

Ya Allah

Kami mohon Rahmat dan Kasih Sayang Mu
Kami mohon Keampunan dan Keredhaan Mu
Kami mohon Perlindungan Mu dari siksa kubur dan api neraka
Kami mohon Syurga Mu
Kami mohon Petunjuk dan Hidayah Mu
Kami mohon Ilmu Mu yang Luas dan Bermanfaat
Kami mohon Rezeki Mu yang Melimpah Ruah
Kami mohon Kesejahteraan dan Kejayaan Keluarga dan Umat Manusia
Kami mohon Kekuatan Tubuh Badan dan Kesihatan agar kami dapat beribadat dan bertaqwa kepada Mu

Ya 'Aziz Ya Ghaffar Ya Jabbar Ya Robbal 'Alamin

Entry 4

Maksud tersirat persiapan memakai Ihram ketika membuat persediaan untuk ke Padang Arafah.

"Kehidupan kita merupakan satu perjalanan membuat persediaan untuk meninggalkan sesuatu yang kita amat sayang untuk akhirnya kembali kepada Pencipta kita Yang Maha Penyayang"

Ustaz Asnil Abu Bakar
Manasik Haji

Salam Muslim. Episode 3. Astro Oasis. Selasa (7/10/2014). 6.30 - 7.00 pagi.

Tetamu Allah di miqat Bir Ali sudah bersedia memakai Ihram.
Wukuf di Arafah: Pagi sebelum gelincirnya matahari.

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